University of New Hampshire Spaulding Hall Addition and Renovations

University of New Hampshire Spaulding Hall Addition and Renovations

Durham, New Hampshire | 47,000 gsf new; 82,000 gsf renovations | $68 million | Phase 1, 2022; Phase 2, 2024

This two-phased project for the University of New Hampshire consists of a new, multi-storied addition to Spaulding Hall of Biological Sciences—a three-story structure built in 1958—followed by renovations of the existing building.  Ellenzweig is providing programming, lab planning and design, architectural design, and construction administration services.


The addition and renovations provide contemporary teaching facilities for Biochemistry, Cell Culture, Medical Laboratory Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology, Organismal Biology, and Neuroscience; research laboratories and support space for Psychology, Physiology, and Aquatics; and core lab facilities including microscopy, instrumentation, tissue culture, and controlled environment rooms.  Also provided are flexible, generic research laboratory neighborhoods for future assignment.  In addition to laboratories and classrooms, the program includes a new vivarium facility, insectarium, and herbarium.  Faculty and graduate student offices, meeting spaces, and social and collaboration spaces are located on each floor.


The design emphasizes science on display, with on-going research and teaching activity showcased throughout the building.  The First Floor Gallery, facing the major pedestrian thoroughfare Academic Way, invites the campus community to experience the work going on inside Spaulding Hall.


The addition is designed to fit well within the context of the varying architecture and environments surrounding it—bridging the traditional architecture to the north and the newer, more contemporary aesthetic of the area to the south of Spaulding Hall. Rudman Hall, a research building located across from Spaulding, was Ellenzweig’s first project on the campus, completed in 1995 and also designed to bridge the architectural aesthetics of the campus; that project included the partial renovation of Spaulding Hall.

University of New Hampshire Spaulding Hall Addition and Renovations