WELL Enhanced Spaces

WELLness Features Working Together

Cuyahoga Community College
STEM Addition and Renovations
Parma, Ohio

A day-lit Student Commons bisects the STEM Center, providing a social and break-out space for students attending adjacent classes. An open stair invites occupants to move through the building, accessing a variety of study, interaction, and teaching spaces on both floors.


The skylight glazing integrates photovoltaic cells, significantly reducing undesirable glare. The resulting filtered daylight through the remaining clear glass creates a comfortable ambience, while biophilic walls bring life to this hub, connect its occupants with nature, and enhance health and well-being with natural air filtration. Polished black pebbles accent wood-edged planters that provide warmth and informal seating in this vibrant space.


Low-velocity displacement ventilation further conditions the space, improving the air quality and overall acoustics while decreasing energy use through natural convection created by the density difference between cold and warm air. Noise reduction was prioritized, treating 60% of the long west elevation with 1-5/8” thick, fabric-wrapped acoustical panels (NRC rating ≥ 1.00).


Learn more about the project here.