Community College of Baltimore County

STEM Building Addition and Renovations

Catonsville, Maryland

Completion Date

52,000 gsf addition; 48,000 gsf renovation

Lab Planning

Design Architect and Laboratory Planner

GWWO Architects
Architect of Record

Ellenzweig provided programming, lab planning, and design for renovations to and expansion of the former library building to create a new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) facility for the School of Mathematics and Science on the Catonsville campus at the Community College of Baltimore County.

The new building provides teaching and research facilities for Biology, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geography, Geospatial Applications, Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics. Program spaces include 15 laboratories, six lecture rooms, tutoring space, science exhibition space, faculty offices, lounge/meeting spaces, and a planetarium.

The renovations included the replacement of the existing building’s dated exterior with a new façade, a modern aesthetic appropriate for the teaching and research facilities within. The building achieved LEED Silver certification.

The students will appreciate the detail that went into the design of this building. It’s a great space for our students to learn as well as congregate.

Sandra Kurtinitis, Ph.D. President

Community College of Baltimore County